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Image by Nathan Dumlao

Key's To Love

A Journey To Your True Frequency

Making Divine Love your baseline!


In a world of thought forms and vibrational patterns that do not serve humanity's evolution into Divine embodied living, it's time to shift one person at a time. 

You are the change for the world, one who chooses love over hate, love over fear, love over shame, love over pain. 

Not to ignore or deny but to hold the consciousness of Divine love through all that is playing out in this reality because you are a vast being, a spark of pure creation having a human experience. 

Living from the awareness shifts your life into the role of creator, a child-like wonder for life, and you become a magnetic emanation for others to remember, too. 


This is a journey to awaken your Divine codes and embody the awareness of your vast, incredible nature in every sense of the word. 

Remembering you are love

You are a Divine being, a being of source creation, God, Pure love. Yet sometimes you forget this love; life can feel a little off key. 

In the journey to remembering yourself, to devote yourself to a deep spiritual connection to all that is, you return to the frequency of love. 

Love becomes the 360 embodiment when you choose to embody your truth. 


This mentorship is for you if you hear a calling to come back to love. Which by the way, is an infinite journey, one that humbles us to unfold into humility, grace and trust in the Divine in every moment.  

Three pillars


Opening to light code Activation


 Divine crystal code painting will be created to reflect your energetic field. The codes we bring through hold the Divine consciousness tone/frequency for pure love. This is in its purest sacred nature, clear from distortion, this is the celestial note in which you resonate and that which you bring to this earthly plane. 

Each and every person has come through with a soul song, the purest vibrational sound, which is felt and heard at a core level. 


Having coded art like this will help bring that connection back to you or at least expand your awareness of this Sacred truth. 

It brings a great remembrance of who you are on a soul level. You will also feel a deeper connection to your star/cosmic family of light/love and the Cosmic Womb.


In a world where we are moving through so much density, this is a Sacred tool to practice your Divine consciousness embodiment, to maintain this truth within your heart. 

In the moment when you feel a lowering of your vibration or an experience knocks you off your tracks, your Divine sacred geometry Cosmic art will be your guiding star bringing you back to your heart's truth. 


Eventually, through your embodiment process, you will strengthen your field beyond this art portal. We hold such hope that you will see this as beautiful memorabilia of the process and devotional practice you underwent for the Divine consciousness embodiment here on Mother Earth.


Healing alchmey

















Inner Jounrey 

Spirit In motion

Somatic proclamation
































You are here to be a vessel for love.

It's time to feel safe to be you and shine your light!

You are the person who can heal yourself, see, feel and sense what needs to change in your life.

I will be your guide holding your hand while you take the brave and ambitious step into the most profound love.


You know how far you want to go and how much you desire to transform and transcend to become the Divine Spark you came here to be.




Hear the magic that can unfold after experiencing light code atunmens and following an embodiment protocol 

Who is your Cosmic guide

Georgia is a conduit for Pure Divine transformation, recalibration and liberation. Influencing other Divine beings to live fearlessly in their innate expression of the Divine Spark, I Am presence. 


 All of her life she has been in deep communion and connection to the stars, recalling past lives from as young as three years old.

Her decision to lead a path of spiritual devotion became clear after severe depression and missed direction in life. Reiki was her first pursuit in unlocking more of her own innate wisdom. Many modalities followed, such as crystal healing, meditation, Akashic readings, yoga, EFT, holistic massages and many other modalities she felt drawn to, each one opening up doorways of remembrance. 

Most recently, she studied under some of the most prestigious Taoist and Tantric feminine arts teachers to collaborate with what she has uncovered through memories of ancient Lemurian/Avalonian times. 

Georgia has many innate gifts, intuitively guided by a strong connection to her multidimensional aspects. 

You'll experience light language channelling and multi-dimensional healing when in a space with Georgia, who is always holding you in a Divinely loving container.



The cosmic heart collective is an intuitive team bringing multidimensional modalities innately brought into each session. If you need guidance and suggested practices, you'll be guided on a quantum meditation for healing and transmuting energies, receiving your own gifts and modalities. The team will often ask you to take part in working through the meridian and various energy systems to clear blockages and upgrade your subconscious patterning. Once the energy system is clear, we can enable activations. This may consist of awakening latent energetic DNA, which allows a higher light quotient into your system, embodying crystalline source light. This will activate your angelic earth template, open you to divine consciousness, activate new geometric patterns, awaken your soul song, and more. 

What to expect 



Activating energy systems/ Sacred Geometry 

We have a multitude of energy systems that aren't all known. We are made up of sacred geometric patterns. Some systems may need a little reboot or readjustment. Now that we are moving into higher states of consciousness, we are able to embody more Divine remembrance. Much like a meridian circuit, we have channels and energy systems that, when activated, connect to different dimensions and allow us to have a vast connection to consciousness, oneness and the Divine. When connected, you can experience the divine light rays and intuitive and cosmic connections to the Pure Loving Source/God/Goddess.

Angelic Earth template

 We all have angelic aspects. When we work through your system to clear resonances that are not in alignment with pure divine love, we draw in and connect you with your angelic & celestial aspects (these can also take the form of a dragon). Throughout the sessions, activations will increase, embodying your angelic self. In the new earth process, humanity is working towards coming back to its angelic resonance/embodying soul. Here is where we create heaven on earth. You will be receiving upgrades into the new crystalline grids and divine light cities that are created for the new earth.

The Art created will be a representation of this Divine resonance.  If we have a one-to-one session, we will be calling in the Celestial soul notes in loving awareness of your true essence. This can be an incredibly profound experience, one that brings you back to your soul and from the point of connection, you will be initiated into Divine soul embodiment for the New Earth.

There is an option to undergo the initiating period with complete guidance, holding space for you the whole way. Having been through these turbulent times of change, I can understand the importance of holding space while we upgrade and embody mind, body, spirit and soul. Other options: follow a manual that gives suggestions while you take the solo path.

Soul song/ multidimensional remembrance 

During session with the collective comes many harmonic frequencies, commonly known as light language or the language of light. Through the heart's magnetic field, the source resonances are transmitted to heal, awaken and shift through many dimensional layers and energy fields. Through this communication portal, the language of light can also be demonstrated using hand movements, written light codes and pure being in the presence of the open heart portal. 
You will quickly be reminded of your multidimensional self as you hear the sound resonance of the cosmic heart collective. Each harmonic frequency penetrates your being, awakens the energetic DNA, and brings back fragmented soul parts. Coming back to wholeness liberates you into a state of love and joy. From this place, you can sing the song of your soul.
If you have a soul song painting, this is a beautiful way to remind yourself through visualisation and sacred ritual
practices with your unique painting.


Who is This Space for

Bone Marrow Deep

You, a seeker of spiritual truth, stand tall as a beacon of light for your soul's noble purpose. The symphony of your innermost being echoes within, guiding you towards unlocking the secrets of your soul. Within this sacred space, a haven of boundless depth and wisdom, you shall find the solace and safety to unravel your true essence and awaken the dormant magic within.

A calling from th stars

Maybe you have had memories or experiences meeting galactic beings. You often find yourself drifting off into the etheric realms, and it's more home to you than Earth. 

But alas, you have come to earth with a mission, and you know a part of that is feeling at home in your human body so you can fully complete your mission. 

In that case, this is the perfect place for you to awaken the depth of your love and embody your celestial codes into this human experience with ease and grace. I got you!

Ancient knowing

​Embrace Your Journey to Unlock Ancient Wisdom and Illuminate the World You are a seeker of ancient wisdom, traversing the secrets of time and exploring the mysteries of the cosmos. Through your eyes, the wonders of the past unfold, and your being resonates with the echoes of forgotten truths. Despite this, a shadow of fear lingers, impeding your ability to share your revelations with clarity. This shadow is known as the "witch wound," a wound of betrayal and persecution that has followed you through the ages, obstructing your mission to enlighten the world with your wisdom. It's crucial to remember that you are not alone on this journey. The path to unleashing, sharing, and radiating your light is one that can be cleared, leading you towards the creation of a new world and a new destiny. Having walked this same path, I understand the importance of clearing the way for you to bring forth your truth with ease and grace. Know that you are in a safe space to break open, birth your truth, and shine radiantly, unburdened by the shackles of the past.

A curious cat

A seeker of truth, you won't stop until you have shed every layer of programming, illusions and distortions. 

You've surpassed nine lives because you are walking the path where death is a byproduct of your devotion to continuous unfoldment. 


Your soul is sniffing out and on the hunt for expansion and liberation. 


Your sharp nose has figured out this place has a banquet of transformation just waiting for you to sink your claws into. 


A feast that will have you full of Divine love for a lifetime. 

Love is the frequency of creation you are creation.

hippy man.png


All this is yours, beloved!





Space for you to fully drop into your magic and awaken your sacred power.


Opening ceremony-mid-way activation- Ending ceremony


Value £639

Whats in the mentorship 



There is no pebble left unturned, and you won't be left hanging in between each session, not knowing or remembering what we did during the sessions.

Pre-recorded meditations, activations and your very own Cosmic mandala with codes channelled for your personal use.


Value £777




Ancestral healing protocol, self-exploration, intuitive guidance, creative energy liberation.

Each session is designed around your specific needs, desires and requirements so you get the best results on your individual healing journey.


Value £1,777

The vortex



A gift from one Divine Spark to another...





A Divine creation frequency channelling light code mandala.

This mandala will serve you throughout and beyond your mentorship as a meditation tool, alter piece and reminder of your sacred Divine beingness.


As a conduit for the Divine Mother, I tune into your energetic field to recall the light code frequencies and symbols that assist in your light body activation.

You'll receive a manual with all the inspirational ways to use the mandala.


(There is also an option to explore your own creative channelling with light codes if you wish this to be a part of the journey) 


Value £969






When you have completed your transformational experience, you must know you haven't been dropped into the abyss.


We will have a catch-up call Two/Three weeks after we have gone through your mentorship to see how you are doing and your next move.


Value £111


The after life

What clients say about working with me

Image by Fuu J

What you are saying yes to when you join the mentorship 

Become centred, grounded and trusting yourself.




Living life from Divine embodiment 




channelling more of your own Qi




Become well acquainted with your Sacred life force.




Feel whole in your spiritual practice.




Confident, happy, nourished and supported.




Filled with inspiration, creativity, passion and purpose.




Channel your creative life force through your chakras and consciously use it in your life.



Embody your light codes and crystalline light body.



Feel empowered to express yourself, your gifts and own your magic.

Image by Andra C Taylor Jr

Your investment

Because you deserve to be withness

Two months of healing (that can be spread out accordingly), plus tools and an online container of healing modalities for you to use for a lifetime.




Pay in whole or in instalments.

Application for Key's To Love

Thank you

Thank you for taking this journey, feeling the call to open your Divine heart and pour love into this world. 


It is my deepest honour to serve you.

This is a LGBTQl friendly space. An offering that supports all forms and goes beyond the form of human to explore our multidimensional essence. 


Ash, Ah, Ra

@georgiaashahra ©2024

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