Crystalline Temple Immersion
23 Eki Paz
~Fearless Divine Child Expression Six week immersion~ A sacred journey to remember your Divinity, express your true nature, open your heart and higher octaves of soul essence. Activating DNA codes within your cells for 5D+ embodiment. Ceremony, Song, Play, Creativity, Cosmic connections, Dance & l

Saat ve Yer
23 Eki 2022 19:00 – 20:30 GMT+1
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~Fearless Divine Child Expression Six week immersion~
A sacred journey to remember your Divinity, express your true nature, open your heart and higher octaves of soul essence. Activating DNA codes within your cells for 5D+ embodiment. Ceremony, Song, Play, Creativity, Cosmic connections, Dance & laughter!
Crystalline Temple immersion is a Divine channelling through the remembrance of Georgia Lea Polden, who has many memories and recollections from other lifetimes. She calls her oversoul team her Cosmic Heart Family, together harmonising Divine codes of creation for recalibration for the New Earth and Crystalline/ Celetrial Human.
The Cosmic Heart collective has been supporting and guiding the way to realising outdated programming and opening to the Divine expression.
From there light language was activated during these times of remembrance among many other ceremonial ritual practices.
In this lifetime Georgia has a background in Reiki, meditation, mindfulness, holistic bodywork/massage, Akashic records, EFT, and crystal healing. What has been activated here is from the ancient, yet a very present moment, assistance of her multidimensional self. Together they are all designed to align to the Divine truth of one's being.
To truly awaken this expression of remembrance is to go within, deep within our cells, our DNA.
All of us in this and many other lifetimes have carried coding within our DNA that prevents us from developing and living our true authentic selves. This wave of souls here on the Earth is creating a magnificent shift into Divine states of consciousness through rewiring these programming and downloading the Divine blueprint.
From this devotion to creating Heaven on Earth, we are moving to a new state of being. Each of us peeling away the layers, clearing the way and sending out the signal to be in our Divine alignment, which is the shift we've all been waiting for.
How can we rewire the DNA?
DNA is an ever-changing expression of ourselves depending on the environment (epigenetics gives us scientific proof of this). So the more light the more Cosmic/ multidimensional /shamanic and other high vibrational cosmic practices we bring into our experience the more we allow that to shift our frequency. This in turn sends the signal to the cells, which sends a signal to the DNA to clear our old data, not in an alignment, and activate the Divine frequencies that are!
The Divine/God/Goddess essence shows us that expressions of joy, creativity, beauty, celebration and loving presence that are the ultimate key to unlocking our innate wisdom/Divine expression/Heaven embodied.
During this Six week immersion, we will explore these aspects of the Divine expression, holding space within our being and a group collective vibrating/emanating this love. With the power of the collective, we are able to immerse our cells and DNA and shift through into the octaves of Divine crystal consciousness (5D+).
With all the fun, play, and expression, moments of your deepest fear may emerge, allowing ancestral memories to shift through for realisation. Within this space, you are deeply held, deeply seen and all of your being is accepted and loved.
This is a calling to come and express in all that you are, to be fearless with your unique expression of release and play.
For it is lifetime after lifetime that women, magical creatures, children and the unique have been suppressed and these hold the deep core wounds. It is time to express, play and show up in your authentic nature.
Who is this Sacred space for?
If you have the deepest calling within you to be in service to raising humanity's consciousness and living into higher octaves of love!
It all starts from within, when we realise our bodies are temples for the Divine and we are a micro-universe within the Marco-universe we can understand that by shifting individually we create a ripple effect into all universes.
Right now all of us are moving through waves of light that in filling the planet for this shift that is occurring, everyone!
This can feel physically demanding, and emotionally challenging and our whole lives are transforming.
We are seeking to find ground, a community, and accept love for ourselves and others.
Most importantly those that are here that are aware of this, may remember other lifetimes or want to remember more of their own truth.
This can leave us feeling like we don't fit in or questioning how we can live in this newfound paradigm when the world hasn't caught up with this remembrance.
Within this Sacred space, the Divine within me will be evoking the Divine within you. An aspect that has embodied Crystal Consciousness/Christ Consciousness.
Sometimes we feel it, maybe get a taste to be in Divine remembrance, yet it drops away. These practices and codes will be showing us how we can maintain this in our daily lives and how we can springboard back into this consciousness effortlessly.
Note: this is not just for those who want to learn light language, these are specific codes for DNA activation, that hold Divine Love frequencies.
There are many layers to unfold during our journey, some light language dialects may come through once being activated and releasing blockages.
When in ceremony with the Cosmic Heart we are ensuring this is pure multidimensional soul essence, creating energetic sovereignty and discernment.
What is in the container?
Quantum Krystal Consciousness code Template for each person in the group
Your Divine Template painting will be created to reflect your energetic field. Codes will be created into art. The codes we bring through hold the Divine consciousness tone/frequency. This is in its purest sacred nature, clear from distortion, this is the celestial note in which you resonate and that which you bring to this earthly plane.
Each and every person has come through with a soul song, the purest vibrational sound, which is felt and heard at a core level.
Having a coded art made like this will help to bring that connection back to you or at least expand your awareness of this Sacred truth.
It brings a great remembrance of who you are on a soul level. You will also feel a deeper connection to your Ascended family of light/love.
In a world where we are moving through so much density, this is a Sacred tool to practice your Divine consciousness embodiment, to maintain this truth within your heart.
In the moment when you feel a lowering of your vibration or an experience knocks you off your tracks, your Divine sacred geometry soul art will be your guiding star taking you back to your heart's truth.
Eventually, through your ascension process, you will strengthen your field beyond this art portal. We hold such hope that you will see this as beautiful memorabilia to the process and devotional practice you underwent for the Divine consciousness embodiment here on mother earth.
First Ceremony ~ Initiation into the Crystalline Temple
We will start by collectively tuning into and creating a sacred grid of consciousness for remembrance of each soul within the space. Journeying into the Sacred realms to activate hold ceremony in these dimensional planes.
During the Quantum meditation, sacred sound attunements occur. these vibrational patterns are created to assist in the weaving of the codes into the cellular memory and begin the activation process.
During the week until the next, we will have guided tasks to follow, hold the moment of frequency and reminders to play!
Second Ceremony ~ Divine Channel of love
Cleating the field and creating a clear channel. This prepares the mind, body and soul to be in response to relax and surrender to the flow of light code expression.
connecting with energy centres and meridians, also known as EFT, combining light language sound, to shift and clear with pure vibration.
Activating energy systems/ Sacred Geometry
We have a multitude of energy systems that aren't all known. We are made up of sacred geometry patterns. Some systems may just need a little re-boot or readjustment. Now that we are moving into higher states of consciousness we are able to embody more Divine remembrance. Much like a meridian circuit, we have channels and energy systems that when activated connect to different dimensions, and allow us to have a vast connection to consciousness, oneness and the Divine. When connected, you can experience the divine light rays and intuitive and cosmic connections to Pure Loving Source/God/Goddess.
Third Ceremony ~ The Conduit of medicine
Moving our bodies keeps our vital life force flowing healthy and strong. Ancient practices like yoga and qi gong were created for this very function.
During this session, we will be guiding you to express your energy in the body, and feeling without limitations.
This can be in hand/ light code activation with mudra, swirling, shaking and moving the body as needed to let the energy flow.
Various traditional methods, combined with the intuitive free flow will be initiated alongside music and mantra.
Fourth Ceremony ~ Your Are A Living Symbol
We will come into a ceremonial space to draw in our own creative expression. First, we will start with activating the energy through breath and movement, sounding and then playing with art/channelling codes.
It's important to get into a flow state to take the pressure off being perfect when putting pen to paper.
During school, it was drilled in to follow the line and copy exactly what was on a black and whiteboard.
Throughout these sessions, you will have been loosening the load from these old school beliefs and expressing your cosmic messages coming deep from your soul.
Firth Ceremony ~ Soul Song Awakening
Soul song/ multidimensional remembrance
During the ceremony with the collective comes many harmonic frequencies, this is commonly known as light language, or the language of light. Through the magnetic field of the heart, the source resonances are transmitted to heal, awaken and shift through many dimensional layers and energy fields. Through this communication portal, the language of light can also be demonstrated using hand movements, written light codes and pure being in the presence of the open heart portal.
You will quickly be reminded of your multidimensional self as you hear the sound resonance of the cosmic heart collective. Each harmonic frequency penetrates your being and awakens the energetic DNA and brings back fragmented soul parts. Coming back to wholeness, liberates you into a state of love and joy. From this place, you can sing the song of your soul.
We will be practising toning and moving sounds through our bodies.
Most often it is simply by being in this space where the energy is held that this will simply open up for you.
Final Ceremony ~ Self-love & Gratitude
Embodiment is key to successful anchoring these codes and fully recalibrating your DNA. Which only you can truly do yourself. This is why this six-week ceremony is so potent, as you can take action and consciousness awareness of the codes. Many have been made to believe there is something wrong with their bodies, to dislike parts of them or not want to be in them at all (which has been a theme in my life too).
Self-love practices, nourishing and supporting the body will assist in this shift.
This final ceremony practice is body application, reminding the cells that are guiding this body to treat it with love. Here we will work with massage and elixirs (focusing on hands and feet maybe face if guided).
The final aspect of this ceremony will be dedicated to individuals of the collective that wish to express their love.
All sessions will be recorded for replay and integration.
Plus a massive bonus!
Free entry into the Cosmic Heart membership
While you are in the container and for a whole month after
This includes a monthly guided mediation and light code mandala that assist with the energies of each month.
weekly group classes to practice modalities, guided quantum meditations, channelings and connect with like-minded souls.
A monthly meet up zoom share, to be accountable for our ascension process and any codes that the group want to express.
This is an incredible offering, that is Divinely needed at this time as we shift, we need this community, support, soul nourishment and key codes.
In this immersion, you are will be safely held by the Cosmic Heart and those that are of Pure Divine Love resonance.
I AM excited to be activating this Divine remembrance and play with you all in the crystal realms.
Infinite love and joy,
Cosmic Heart Space &Georgia
Happy Divine Friday lovely souls!
Crystalline Ticket
A special offer for the soul tribe!
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